Friday, October 28, 2016

#WWoW Author-to-Author Tips from #MFRWauthor @RowlandKathleen

MFRW author Kathleen Rowland shares what she knows about the publishing industry.
Book Buyers Best finalist Kathleen Rowland is devoted to giving her readers fast-paced, high-stakes suspense with a sizzling love story sure to melt their hearts.  Kathleen used to write computer programs but now writes novels.   She grew up in Iowa where she caught lightning bugs, ran barefoot, and raced her sailboat on Lake Okoboji.  Now she wears flip-flops and sails with her husband, Gerry, on Newport Harbor but wishes there were lightning bugs in California.
website  |  twitter  |  facebook  |  goodreads

Author-to-Author Tips... Sharing what I know about the publishing industry
Action sells! Books that have an action sequence within the first 25 pages sell better. Readers of romantic suspense look for fast paced.  Plotting is critical to build a cohesive, multilayered storyline.

Should an author publish traditionally or self-publish? It’s okay to ride two horses at the same time. It does take longer for a novel to go from proofing to publication, but often self-pubbed books rush through edits. I submit longer books, over 40,000 words, to my publisher but self-publish novelettas (10,000 and under).

Is paperback coming back as opposed to paperless eBooks?  My publisher focuses first on eBook sales.  If the eBook doesn’t sell, neither will a print book. That is true, but the readership of romantic suspense is 60% eBook and 40% paperback. In other genres print books took an upswing.  Some readers like both print and e-readers.

What’s good about being a writer? In our own lives, even a bit of negativity is usable.  Were you ever involved with an alcoholic? That experience can help shape a character. How about being a single parent and providing for children while making ends meet? In my current work-in-progress, Vivienne Rourke takes tentative steps toward a new life after losing her husband.  Her cousin is missing, and she works as a detective, always hoping to locate her.  Another wonderful part of being a writer is hearing from fans. I learned on the reservation that the ancient, sacred charge of the storyteller is to beguile the time. I’m thrilled when I hear that someone has used my books to get through some particularly difficult illness either as a patient or as they sit on the sidelines while someone they love is terribly ill. It gratifies me to know that by immersing themselves in my stories, people are able to set their own lives aside and live and walk in someone else’s shoes. It tells me I’m doing a good job at the best job in the world.

Is bringing something new to the table with research or breaking news better than following trends relevant to your genre?  I write romantic suspense, and the most popular contemporary romance subgenre is action/adventure. I feel a smart-selling author needs to have awareness of requirements within a sub-genre.  Romantic suspense requires DANGER.  Allow me to expand.  Suspense incorporates a sense of tension throughout the book with heart-pounding action, adrenaline-inducing chase, edge of your seat thrills, life-threatening situations, and dangerous criminals. These are common elements.  ROMANCE. There’s a central love story.  Our lovers have to traverse nail-biting adventures before they become acquainted with each other and fall in love. As an author I weave both romance and mystery.
No Backstory Not none, but weave backstory in with mercifully short dialogue. The biggest error is over-writing and manufacturing emotions.  Characters must react in the present, be honest and real. They react to their situation and to each other.  Their issues are background.  Life is messy. The thrill ride is dangerous, authentic, eye-widening, and passionate.

Kathleen's newest book is Deadly Alliance, an Erotic Romantic Suspense.
Finn doesn't trust Amy.  Dog that he is, they're after the same shiny bone-- his missing cash.  Some alliances have dangerous consequences. Chilling adrenalin rush when Amy witnesses a fight between an Irish gang and domestic terrorists, is caught in the crosshairs, and needs Finn's protection. Finn doesn't trust Amy.  Dog that he is, they're after the same bone.  Some alliances have dangerous consequences. BUY LINK

Monday, October 17, 2016

#WWoW A Day In The Life of A #MFRWauthor Ann Raina

A Day In The Life of MFRW Author Ann Raina
Ann Raina lives and works in Germany with cats and a horse. Riding and writing are her favorite hobbies. So far she has written thirteen novels for eXtasy Books with more to come. Her latest series, starting with The Secretary’s Bodyguard, turns around a couple getting into dangerous, life-threatening adventures.

In all of her books she combines romance, suspense, and humorous elements, for no thrilling story can stand without a comic relief.

Connect with Ann on facebook or on her website.

I work in an office. I have a horse to take care of every day. These demands limit my writing time, including on weekends. Therefore I'm used to write wherever I go and have time to ponder ideas, scenes, and character development. I don't leave the house without a notebook and pen.

My latest, now published book was written in four months because the story came up nicely and many characters offered themselves for developing from the series' first three books. I loved adding new characters, and my muse did a lot in creating their backgrounds. With the storyline set and the main characters defined, I used every minute of the day to write the scenes.

It was so much fun, especially the afternoons with my muse -- lots of coffee, cookies, and enough paper to write down essential notes.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

No Motivation for Marketing Your Romances? #MFRWorg #romance

For those of you that are out there killing it in terms of your marketing (you know...writing on your own blog, guest-posting, great Twitter and Facebook presences, a thriving and regular newsletter, a community of people who love your books and share them regularly...), YAY! Good for you.

This blog isn't for you. It's for the rest of us, those of us who struggle with balancing a full-time other career, possibly a spouse and children, the actual writing of the novels, and then marketing on top of all of that.

I do a lot of marketing for my career as a life coach. A ton. But I don't do much at all for my romance novels, which means that those poor little novellas that I wrote three years ago suffer in obscurity and are dying a slow, lingering death. (I've since written four more complete novels and am actively subbing, but that is a subject for another blog.) So I do know what it takes to succeed in the marketing arena, even if I'm not always doing it for my little romances.

My point is, if you are in the same space: I hear you. I feel you.

Most of us already know what we "should" be doing. It's like someone who wants to start exercising. She's not trying to convince herself that sitting all day is healthy. She just can't seem to find the motivation to get out there.

And like our friend who wants to exercise, for us romance writers, marketing is usually one of the last things that we do. It's so tiring. It's a slog. Someone might reject me. People might not like what I post. Yuck!

And yet, there are plenty of people out there in exactly the same boat, and yet, they still manage to find the time to do a good bit of marketing. So how do they do it?

Okay, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty. How do you motivate yourself to keep going with your marketing, even when everything else (including your own thoughts) gets in the way?

1. Find your why

Why, exactly, are you even bothering to market your books? Do you want more money for your next vacation, more readers so that you can spread your message of peace and love and aliens-are-invading, or possibly you just want to have a deeper connection with the readers that you already have?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's probably mainly so that we can have more readers, more people who buy our books. But what, exactly, does that translate into for you? What are you hoping that money will buy?

Now here's the fun part: Spend a few minutes today writing and dreaming about your the experiences and things that money would buy. If you sold JK-Rowling-like numbers of books tomorrow, what would that enable you to do? What charities would you support? Which vacations would you take? With whom would you spend more time?

Spend 10-20 minutes really getting into the details of what you want from that expanded readership. How would you be helping those readers? What is your message that you want to get to them?

This exercise has been extensively studied by positive psychologists (in terms of increased happiness), but it also really helps to awaken our subconscious mind to possibilities that we might not ordinarily see.

2. Plan, plan, plan

I'm a pantser. I love spontaneity in my life. I would jet off to Europe tomorrow if you asked me to (and gave me a plane ticket. And a babysitter. Minor details.)

But for anything that has to get done in my week, including marketing, blogging, and submitting to other, bigger blogs, I have to block it out in my calendar. And then, like a meeting with my boss (who also happens to be me) I don't allow anything to interfere with that time.

Don't mistake urgency for importance

Most of us make this mistake. We see an email pop up and we think we have to answer it. Or a text. That little bell is a Pavlovian response to "oh, someone needs me. I must answer them right now!".

But what's truly most important to you? Getting out requests for reviews, or posting a new Facebook meme? Contacting other bloggers for possible guest posts, or answering your mother's phone call during your prime working hours?

This gets back to blocking out your time. Turn off your phone, shut off the internet, and get it done.

3. Challenge your thoughts

This is number three, but it's actually the biggest one to take on in terms of  our marketing challenges. We have these little fears that masquerade as actual reality, things like "Last time I did a blog hop, no one even commented. It's pointless to even do it."

But challenge that thought. Did you truly get zero comments? You probably got at least a few. I also like to remember that everyone starts from somewhere. That all great marketers started out with just one Facebook follower. That all of marketing is a slow build, until eventually it becomes an avalanche.

You can use this process, called thought-refuting, with any of your fears. What are you really most afraid of in putting yourself out there? Once you've identified it, turn that thought on its head. There's always a counter-argument or thought to negate the uncomfortable one.

Something is always better than nothing.

What can you do right now, today, that will get you back on the path? Even twenty minutes of beautiful sharing (sharing - not selling - you know this!) will get you back on that path.

Have you struggled with your own marketing? What do you do to overcome it? We'd love to hear from you in the comments!

Erin writes sensual paranormals and historical romances as Erin Moore. In her other life, she's also a life coach, helping women to answer the question of how to add value in their lives and careers in a vibrant and meaningful way, even while navigating the chaos and frustrations of everyday life. She believes that everyone deserves an amazing life of abundance, and her free e-book "Your Kick Ass Life: A Process for Answering "What Do I Do With My Life" is available on her website.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor @MFRW_Org Join the Fun

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org

Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.
Remember to visit the blog on October 12 and retweet everyone on the list.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget the Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRWorg in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and click each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

4. Click the G+ symbol on the tweet so you can see where you left off, and to add a little more visibility to the post.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fandom on Twitter #UsingTwitter @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor

Everyone is a fan of something, and you can probably find it on Twitter.
If you like to read about a specific thing, use a hashtag (#) to search for it. For example, #crossstitch #Hobbit #scifi #recipes. In Twitter, go to the search bar (upper right) and type one of those. Hit return, or click the magnifying glass in the search bar. Tweets from anyone who used the term you searched for will show up. Try it with almost any word (no spaces) and you will see the possibilities.
Thranduil Fan Art (#thranduil #fanart)

Popular searches for writers:

Popular searches for readers:

Media Fandoms

But there are other fandoms besides books. Let's talk TV for a minute Do you follow any shows? These are all on Twitter.
Vampire Diaries #TVD
Once Upon A Time #OnceUponATime
The Flash #TheFlash
Supergirl #SuperGirl

Meeting Fans

Pick a show or movie that fits the genre you write, and begin following it. Retweet and share views. You will meet fans of the genre, and end up with followers. The important thing about this is NEVER to use the hashtag to promote your books. Think of fellow fans as online friends who are just as real as friends you'd meet at a coffeeshop or while out shopping. Talk to them and they will talk back. Don't try to sell them anything. Just be a tweep (friend/peep on Twitter).


Use the hashtag #fanart and you'll be amazed at how many talented people there are out there. They love the same TV and movies as you (or the same video games, etc.). These people have like interests, and when you appreciate their art, they are more likely to follow you. Want more? Follow this account. DeviantArt (they aren't deviant - it just means alternative).

Why is that important? Because they might end up being your fan. But you have to meet them first, so get out there and be a fan!

About the Author

Kayelle Allen
Follows: #scifi #Thranduil #Loki #fanart #MFRWauthor
image credit: Kimberly80 on DeviantArt

Monday, September 5, 2016

#MFRWauthor Come Join the Fun of Retweet Day

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org
Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Remember to visit the blog on Sept. 7 and retweet everyone on the list.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget and Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRW_org in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Tina Gayle

Monday, August 15, 2016

Use a Press Release to Promote your Book! @JimDaddio #MFRWauthor

When MFRW author Jim Daddio released his book The Choice, he knew he needed to get the word out. Jim is the author of six fiction books. He lives in Palm City, Florida with his wife, Jill. His books are available on (search Jim Daddio). You can also find out more about him at He share how he publicized his book here.

As authors we want to sell as many books as possible. We must be our own self-promoter. We need to tell everyone we meet we are writers and have excellent books available. I recently contacted a local newspaper for the city of Palm City. The paper is printed once a week and placed in over twenty-five thousand mailboxes. They printed my press release. The response has been wonderful. 
Local resident pens his sixth fiction novel.
Jim Daddio, a resident of Palm City, is the author of five fiction novels. Readers who enjoy well-written, gripping mystery novels will welcome the newest offering from Jim. The Privileged, published by Wings ePress, Inc., completes a trilogy featuring private detective, Art Decco
Art is the main character in Las Vegas Dead and Heaven or Hell-A Story of Human Trafficking, also published by Wings. The history of Art's unusual surname is revealed in the stories: his family name, Deccolangelo, was shortened by his grandfather when he emigrated to America from Italy.
The Privileged is an old fashioned ‘who done it.’ When Michelle Thorne Johnston, a wealthy socialite living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is murdered, the police have enough evidence and motive to arrest and charge her husband, Clay.
He immediately proclaims his innocence and hires Art to find the real killer. The reader rides along with Art as he discovers there are several persons of interest who had reason to murder Michelle. But there is something bothering Art: Clay doesn't seem too concerned. He insists that, even if he has to go to trial, he will never be found guilty. He is rich and powerful and one of the privileged.
“Even though this is my sixth published fiction novel I have to say I am very excited about The Privileged. It is my first 'who done it mystery.' My publisher, Wings epress, is also excited about the story line. The reader will have to wait until the end to find out who committed the crime,” Jim said.
Originally from Meadville, Pennsylvania, Jim has been a resident of Palm City for seven years. He's lived in Florida for over forty years. Thirty-seven years in Fort Lauderdale, three in Clearwater and two years in Orlando.
He added, “My wife, Jill, and I really love Palm City and living in Whispering Sound. We travel to Lauderdale to visit our daughter, Jennifer, and spend several months each year in Richmond, Virginia with our son, Jim, and his family.”
His books can be found on and Barnes and Noble. (Search Jim Daddio)
“The Choice” was also featured in The Stuart News.”

Monday, August 8, 2016

Come Meet the Authors of #MFRW_org and #MFRWauthor Retweet Day

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org
Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Remember to visit the blog on August 10, and retweet everyone on the list.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget the rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRW_org in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Friday, July 15, 2016

#MFRWAuthor-to-Author: Breaking into Social Media @Jill_Blake_


My kids are growing up in a brave new world dominated by social media.

Me, I’m still trying to figure out what this whole hash-tag thing is about. Until recently I didn’t have a Twitter account. And when I first opened a Facebook account at the urging of friends and family, it was simply to post: ""If you want to communicate with me, pick up the phone or stop by. Because I don't do Facebook.""

But the virtual world just wouldn’t go away.  Friends kept bugging me to check out their Pinterest pages. Or Instagram posts. Email is passé, they said.  IM—what’s that?  You can still text, but what you really need is photos, videos, check-ins.  Right.  Do these people not know about all the criminals out there, monitoring FB and Tumblr and Meetup to know when you’re not at home so they can burglarize your empty house?!?

Alas, I am alone in my paranoia.  And truth to tell, some of my reluctance to join the digital revolution is fueled by the fact that I am an idiot when it comes to computers.  I never quite got over the trauma of having to learn how to program in FORTRAN.  (For those of you who were born into a world of smartphones and swipe-screens, FORTRAN is a long-dead computer language from post-IBM, pre-Apple days.  It’s what Latin is to the Romance languages that grew out of it.  Do they even teach Latin in public school anymore?)

What’s more, I actually like communicating the old fashioned way.  I enjoy talking with people face to face.  And I especially love writing letters long-hand, putting them in an envelope, sticking on a stamp, and dropping them off at the corner post-office.   I grew up reading volumes of correspondence between Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald (sigh!), Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf, Shelby Foote and Walker Percy.  Really, how can Twitter or Facebook compare with that?

In quantum physics, there is the law: “like attracts like.”  This principle applies to relationships, too.

We self-select our social network—both online and in the real world.  As a result, I am marooned on an island of similar-minded Luddites.  In our world, “going viral” still refers to a constellation of symptoms including fever, cough, and congestion.

So, until my kids are old enough to clue me in, I will likely remain a social networking illiterate.  I will not be plugging my books on a bazillion-and-one online sites.  I will continue writing slowly, laboriously, in longhand (at least sometimes). And I hope that the content of what I write will be interesting enough to sell a few books.

How do you use social media in promoting your books?

Contributed by MFRW author Jill Blake.
A native of Philadelphia, Jill Blake now lives in southern California with her husband and three children. By day, she works as a physician in a busy medical practice. By night, she pens steamy romances.
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Jill Blake's newest release is Sweet Indulgence (The Silicon Beach Trilogy, Book 2).
BUY LINK - Free on Kindle Unlimited!
Becca Markham spent the last six years trying to please everyone else. Now it’s her turn. She ditches her cheating boyfriend, quits her high-stress job as a software engineer, and decides to transform her life-long love of baking from a part-time hobby into a full-time business.

Leo Kogan spent years scrambling to escape a life of poverty. Now a successful surgeon, he needs just one thing to complete his American dream: the perfect woman. But making the leap from casual friends to lovers proves harder than he expects.

Despite a sizzling attraction, Becca and Leo don’t have much in common. Especially when it comes to love and money. She’s looking for sex without strings; he wants a partner for life. She stakes her future on a risky new business; he’s obsessed with financial security.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

#MFRWauthor Come Support Our Author's Books on Retweet Day #MFRWorg

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun
MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org
Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Remember to visit the blog on July 12, and retweet everyone on the list.

 Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget  and Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRW_org in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and  click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

 Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

#MFRWauthor Retweet Day on Twitter

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun
MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org
Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Remember to visit the blog on June 8 and retweet everyone on the list.

 Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget  and Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRW_org in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and  click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

 Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wordy Phrases and How to Find Them #MFRWauthor #amediting @kayelleallen

I'm going to wear my editor hat today and share tips I use on finding words that don't work as hard as you want them to. Every writer has pet phrases used to get the story from the head to the screen (or paper) such as "she rolled her eyes" or "he wet his lips." Some phrases are clichés; others are stock fillers we use while we're developing a scene. We figure we'll edit them later.
The problem is, we forget they're there. They become part of the background noise, and we fail to see them. Sometimes, even helpful words can slow down our writing, and take away the punch of a well-written sentence. How do we find them when they become invisible because we've seen them too often?
One good way is to use a program like SmartEdit. This software provides things such as an adverb list, repeated phrases, words, and usage of clichés. It shows dialogue tags and more. The Author's Secret is not affiliated with them, but I recently found this program myself and feel it's tightened up and strengthened my writing. I recommend it.
While a program is helpful, a simple list of your own no-no words will come in handy. I compiled a list of oft-used phrases that author friends report are their crutch words. Some of them are mine too. Here's the list. 

Phrases to Consider

Substitute gender pronouns (his/her, etc.) when searching.
  • all the (also all of the)
  • back against
  • back to the
  • be able
  • both arms / hands
  • can't wait
  • come to
  • did you
  • do you think / want / need
  • ducked his head
  • every part of
  • going to
  • have no (look for: have no time, have no idea, have no reason, etc.)
  • he opened / pulled
  • his cheek
  • his fingers / fingertips / hands
  • I have
  • I / you want
  • I / you will
  • look at
  • on the floor
  • outside of (outside is fine on its own)
  • up against
  • wet his/her lips
  • you want (also look for what you want, what he/she wants, etc.)
Whatever you write, don't forget to run a spell check, and have a peer check your work. A good editor can help you find and eliminate crutch words, and suggest precise language, but your own experience and attention to detail can make their job easier, and save you money in editing fees.
Do you have a list of your own? Feel free to tell us about it in the comments. If you've found this post helpful, please share it on your social media.
Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas
YA (older young adult), action adventure, science fiction, military science fiction, genetic engineering, space opera, space marineHeat level: Mainstream
Download the first full chapter.
Two enemy warriors: one human, one immortal. Different in belief, alike in spirit, marooned together on an alien world.
Imprisoned and in isolation over a year without food or water, the immortal Pietas survives. Though broken in body, his intellect and will are intact, thanks to Six, the special ops warrior who captured him, but kept him sane. The warrior had no hand in his deprivation and, like Pietas, was betrayed by his own kind. When Pietas is abandoned on an alien world with nothing but his honor--and Six--he must find and rejoin other immortal exiles. After centuries of war, Pietas detests humans and kills them on sight, but he is too damaged to continue on his own. Though he despises needing help, he allows Six to nurture and restore him to full strength, and then accompany him. As they cross the planet together on foot, the immortal begins to wonder if he has found his first human friend, or if Six is loyal only because Pietas could keep the others from tearing him to shreds. This human will either be his closest living friend, or the one whose betrayal will trigger all-out vengeance by the most powerful immortal ever born.
Immortal. Warrior. Outcasts. Traitors took everything. Except their honor.
Amazon print
Follow Kayelle Allen's Amazon Author Page and get one alert from Amazon when a new book is available. Sign up for AuthorAlarms and the app will send you one email when Kayelle releases a new book. You can add and remove authors at any time.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Meet the Authors of Marketing for Romance Writers - Monthly Retweet Day #MFRWauthor

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun
MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org
Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Remember to visit the blog on May 11, and retweet everyone on the list.

 Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget  and Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRW_org in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and  click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

 Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What is Marketing for Romance Writers? #MFRWauthor #MFRWorg @MFRW_ORG

Marketing for Romance Writers (MFRW) is a peer-oriented mentoring group open to the entire literary community. Here, you can ask marketing-related questions, or request help, advice, or opinions. You can learn how to create a professional image and use it effectively, as well as ask for opportunities to join other authors in promotional efforts. You can learn the business aspects of writing.
Marketing for Romance Writers promotes for its members on most social media. Get your book cover pinned on one of the MFRW Pinterest boards, and show off your cover models. The hashtags #MFRWauthor #MFRWorg and #MFRWhooks promote for you on Twitter. Monthly Retweet days allow members to share tweets, resulting in a larger exposure on Twitter. Bloggers can join the weekly BookHooks bloghop. Triberr, the blog amplifier, has multiple MFRW tribes bloggers can join. A Goodreads group features members' books and provides discussion. MFRW was founded in 2006 by Kayelle Allen, who heads the group to this day, guiding its direction and overseeing the numerous volunteer staff members that help it run.

Join Us

Mentoring group
Twitter #MFRWauthor #MFRWorg #MFRWhooks
Facebook page (info)
MFRW Blog (marketing posts)
MFRW Authors (promo posts)
Triberr (Blog Tribes)

If you have questions about marketing your books, join us. The MFRW motto is "seek, teach, share, learn, succeed." Services and membership are free.

If you're a member of MFRW, feel free to leave a comment showing how the group has helped you.
Kayelle Allen is a best selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr. She is the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers, and owner of The Author's Secret.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun

MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet. Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget

On April 13, click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter. Also, make sure to have #MFRWauthor in the tweet.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blog Challenges: What NOT to Blog About @kayelleallen #AtoZchallenge #MFRWauthor

What should you blog about? Anything you want. Whatever you're passionate about. All the topics that interest you. Is there anything you should not talk about? No. Not really. Then what do I mean by a title that says "what NOT to blog about"? It's not so much the "what" as it is the "how."

Talk about anything you please, but stop and consider why you're blogging before you start. For example, have you accepted a blog challenge? This is a writing exercise in which you blog on certain days or with specific themes. We've all seen these challenges: Thursday Thirteen, Manic Monday, and of course, blog hops where everyone follows a theme or uses a specific hashtag. I want to talk to you today about the #AtoZchallenge.

When you write your blog posts, remember the reasons for accepting a challenge.
1. To get in the habit of blogging
2. To bring readers to your blog
3. To show readers your writing skills
4. To hone your writing skills

Therefore, if you decide to blog, accept the challenge, and do it right. Don't bore your readers. You want them to think you are a good writer, not one who takes the easy way out and writes cookie cutter posts. What do I mean? Look at these #AtoZChallenge posts:
A is for Anxiety
B is for Books
C is for Cookies
The real show stopper? This one: "Day 2 is on the blog"

No, I am not kidding you. Those are actually on Twitter right now in the #AtoZChallenge. Do you not agree that these titles sound like grade school lessons? They reflect writers who take the easy road. Would you dash over to Amazon and buy a book by someone who does that?

Please don't make yourself look like a lazy writer with posts and titles like this. Be creative. Wouldn't you prefer to read these?

Show the world you are creative and interesting. Take the time to make your post and title worth the effort you will spend doing the project. I challenge you.
Kayelle Allen is a best selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr. Her latest book is Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas. She is currently involved in a personal blog challenge: #ChaosIsComing which is 30 Days of Chaos for the release of the book.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Writer's Block or Procrastination?@barbbradley

I am so sorry I haven't posted in a few months. As you know from an earlier blog I have been dealing with caring for my mother-in-law. I'm sad to tell you that she has passed away. The last two months were a whirlwind. Having to contact all the different people to make them aware, canceling the things I needed to. It's been crazy and I've had to make lists to keep it all straight.

With my mother-in-law gone I now supposedly have more time...

But I can't figure out what I seem to be doing with it.

I some of it is dealing with my grief and having to follow up on those phone calls to make sure I didn't miss anyone. Part of it is procrastination. I've been working on the same series since we moved in with my mother-in-law and even though I have one to finish and another one rattling around in my head I think I have this series linked to her.

I'm so grateful that I learned to write every night, whether I'm in the mood or not. It's going to help me work my way through all this. I'm going to put one word in front of the other until I'm writing the way I have in the past.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is it More About Writing, or About Being a Writer? #MFRWauthor

This will be a shorter than usual blog, since I'm borrowing from another blogger. Not to mention running late.
I ran across this blog from Screencraft, a site to advise screenwriters. The post resonated with me and I think will have the same effect on other writers Beware the Writing Zombies Check it out while I get more coffee.
Do you recognize anyone you know? All I had to do was look in a mirror, and also remember the time I spent researching to avoid actually writing. Whether it was to start a new book or continue on with a current project. And I would hate to admit how many times I've delayed starting so I could use the new project for a course.
Maybe I should title this 'Games Writers Play.' Or maybe I should just get back to edits?
Happy writing!

I need a photo here. I think I'll go with a New Mexico sunset, sharing the beauty of where I'm living.

Monica Stoner w/a Mona Karel
Mona's Amazon Page

We retired to the high plains of New Mexico, where I finally put all those seminars and critique sessions to work, not to mention pulled together my courage to offer a story I'd beaten into submission. I am honored to help Marketing for Romance Writers with list moderation, and wherever else my skill set is of value

Monday, March 7, 2016

A #Romance #RetweetParty with #MFRWAuthor

MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet. Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget

On March 9, click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter. Also, make sure to have #MFRWauthor in the tweet.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do Hybrid Authors Need a Website? Yes. Here's Why @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor

Definition: Hybrid Author -- one who publishes in more than one way, using any combination of traditional, small press, epress, and/or self-publishing.

Header for 
There are more reasons authors need a website, but these are the most important, in my opinion. What do I know? As a hybrid author myself, I have marketed my books for over twelve years, and have been a mentor to many. I'm the owner of The Author's Secret, and work with authors every day. Plus, I'm the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers, which has nearly 3k members on Yahoo and over 6k members on Facebook.
  1. When you are self-published, your books are found online, not while a reader is casually walking past a shelf in a bookstore. A casual shopper might see your book on Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, and other sites. But a website gives readers a place to research your books and find out more about you. If a reader likes your book, or wants to know more, where can he or she go to learn about you?
  2. A website with your name as the domain ( provides a place without ads that pop up like some of the "free" sites. Readers who see popups and ads spend less time on the site. If they click one of the ads, they are taken away from your site. With your own domain, you can control whether clicking a link opens in a new window, which allows readers to shop, and then come back.
  3. A website is an investment in your business and your future. If writing is a hobby for you, and you are only in it for the fun, save your money and do a free site. If writing is what wakes you up in the morning and puts you to bed (late) at night, then do yourself and your future readership a favor and become serious about promoting yourself with a website.
  4. A website gives you the opportunity to judge how well known you are. Google Analytics is one of the free tools out there to let you interpret website statistics. (it's not as scary as it sounds, trust me) For example, I know that today, 38% of visitors to my website get there by directly typing my name (and adding .com) into the address bar of their browser.
  5. With your own domain, you can have several professional email accounts with your author name. ( It's okay to use another email account such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. as well. You can have your professional email accounts forward there. But you'll need a pro account for contacting publishers, review sites, sending press releases, and for business cards or your website. I use several different email addresses. When I do a live event I can use a new one, and others for anything promoted online or in print. When I get an email, I can tell immediately where the person got the address. This helps me judge effectiveness of an event's reach.
  6. Adding a blog (such as Wordpress) to your own domain means people who read your blog come directly to your site. No one will shut down your blog if it belongs to you and is hosted on your own domain.
  7. A website gives you a place to sell books and to gather contacts for your newsletter. This is vital. A newsletter is a list of people who have expressed an interest in your books. Would you not want to know who they are? Of course you would!
Are there other reasons? Yes. I'd love to hear yours.

What if you can't afford a dedicated domain name?
  1. If you have no money and you are just starting out, scrimp and save and buy that domain. Go without two new books. It will cost you about the same.
  2. Ask on Marketing for Romance Writers  for advice as well. You'll find lots of people ready to help.
  3. If you don't know how to create a site, create one with wordpress. You can get beautiful free themes and do customization on your own by following directions online.
  4. Ask around, and see who built their own sites. See if a friend will help. There is power in networking.
Bottom line, a website is your best bet for creating a place for readers to find out more about you and your books. Make the most of the opportunity. A blog will bring people to your site, so if you've been thinking about creating one, while you're creating your site is a good time to start.
Have something to add to this? Leave a comment below.
Kayelle Allen is a best selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr.
Homeworld and Blog

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Valentines' #RetweetParty with #MFRWAuthor #Romance

MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet. Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget

On Feb 10, click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter. Also, make sure to have #MFRWauthor in the tweet.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

#authortips Create a Great Book Landing Page @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, scifi romance, sfr, scifi, sweet romance
At the Mercy of Her Pleasure 
Some publishers provide authors with a few free copies of their books to give away, and that's it. Let's not even talk about self-published authors getting marketing help. Those of us who are hybrid authors and do both know it can be a huge burden. We are the publisher as well as the marketing department. Authors ask each other all the time, "How can I tell readers about my book?"

One way is to provide a great page to help readers learn about your book. If you're like me, you want to do it yourself. Who better than me to know my book and what needs to be done to tell people about it? Are you a DIY (do it yourself) author? If so, here are a few steps for creating a great page on your website to let readers find out more about your book.

Professional Cover

The better the book cover image, the greater the chance of a purchase, so make sure your cover is first-impression worthy. Position it at the top left of your book page. Recommended size will vary depending on the website, but either 200x300 or 500x750 (measured in pixels). For online use, 72 dpi (low resolution) is preferred. But if you don't have that option, share a size that fits the page without filling up all the space. It should be on the left side. That's the top "real estate" online. Readers look from left to right, just like when reading a book, so put the most important info there, and any attention grabbing images as well.

Tagline and Blurb

Near your cover image should be an intriguing tagline and blurb. These should give the concept of the story, without revealing the end. If you ask a question, make sure it does not have a Yes or No answer. (Q: Will Mary learn to trust Johnny and find true love? A: Well, yes, it's a romance!) If the answer is obvious, why would anyone buy the book? Ask open ended questions. (Q: How can Mary and Johnny learn to trust, after the depth of their mutual betrayal? A: No way to tell without reading the book to see!)

Genre Info

List the publisher, genre, and for some genres, the heat level of the book. If it's spicy or erotic, don't be afraid to say so. Likewise, if you write sweet romance, let your readers know. You want to find your target audience, and someone looking for "sweet science fiction romance books" is more likely to find your page if you have listed it that way.

Buy Links

This is also referred to as a Call-to-Action link. Place the links within easy sight of the cover itself, near the top of the page. Don't write "On Amazon". There are millions of books on Amazon. Give the exact URL for your book, and make sure people can click it. If your book is on other sites, include all the links you can. Don't make your readers work to find your book. Give them everything they need to decide to buy your book now.


A banner for the book is a big help on a page like this. Center it if you have room.

Meta Data

Be sure to include a caption for the cover and banners. In addition, add the title of the book and its genre to the alt tag of every image. That's one way search engines find the title. If you have the title listed on the page, mentioned in the body, and in the alt tags, the search engine will give the page more weight when the title is searched for on Google or other sites. It will also give Pinterest something to show if visitors share the image. (Share either of the images on this page to see what I mean.)

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, scifi romance, sfr, scifi, sweet romance
At the Mercy of Her Pleasure 


Give your readers a sneak peek of what they will get when they purchase your book. The length is up to you. You can include it within the page, or attach it as a downloadable PDF.

Social Media Sharing

Include major social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and an email forwarding option.

Newsletter Sign up

Build your email list by offering a link to your newsletter on every book page. You can also link to sites like Authorgraph (providing autographs for eBooks) and Author Alarms (which provides a single email when you release a book on Amazon).

Other options

Book trailer video
Reviews for your book
Awards the book has won
Links to your other books 
Your sidebars or other areas should also include social media links so people can follow or friend you online. Readers buy from authors they know and like. Be findable, and be friendly.
To see how I used these options, visit my book page for At the Mercy of Her Pleasure. If you use Wordpress and create your own site, there are many simple widgets to help you create a great page. If you have questions, leave them in the comment section below. I'll do my best to answer them. Likewise, if you have an idea to add, feel free to leave a comment.
By Kayelle Allen, best selling author and founder of Marketing for Romance Writers. She is the owner of The Author's Secret, a support company for authors of all types.

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Year Come Do the #RetweetParty with #MFRWauthor

MFRW graphics photo MFRWThunderclap_zpse01964cf.jpg

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet. Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget

On Jan 13, click on each link and share everyone's post on twitter. Also, make sure to have #MFRWauthor in the tweet.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle