Four authors' signatures have been chosen as examples for the workshop. Was yours one of them? Come find out.
When: Monday Nov 14, 2011
Start time: (two-hour class)
8:00p Atlantic
7:00p Eastern
6:00p Central
5:00p Mountain
4:00p Pacific
6:00p Central
5:00p Mountain
4:00p Pacific
Where: class will be held on the group, in email/forum style. http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup
Cost: FREE. No fees. No sign up. To attend, simply show up and be ready to learn.
Who: The public may read the messages, but only members have access to notes afterward, and only members can reply to comments or post questions. There is NO COST to join.
You may invite friends to join by sending them to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarketingForRomanceWriters/ OR use the shorter, non-breaking URL http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup
Teacher: Mary, Jupiter Gardens, LLC
Nurturing your inner worlds and exploring new ones!
Jupiter Gardens Press (metaphysical fiction/nonfiction and sf/f)
Jupiter Storm, YA imprint
Pink Petal Books, romance imprint
Nature's Child Ezine for pagan families, children, teens, and anyone who feels like a child of nature.
Premade tweets:
Copy and paste one of these into Twitter to share info about the class.
#Free #Workshop http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup 11/14 7p EST Create an author signature that brings you readers. Teacher: @jupitergdnpress
Create a great signature #Free #Workshop http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup 11/14 7p EST #MFRW #promotips #marketing #authors
#Free Upcoming Workshop on MFRW "Create a signature" Details:is.gd/gnW24W #authors #promotips
Copy and paste one of these into Twitter to share info about the class.
#Free #Workshop http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup 11/14 7p EST Create an author signature that brings you readers. Teacher: @jupitergdnpress
Create a great signature #Free #Workshop http://tinyurl.com/mfrwgroup 11/14 7p EST #MFRW #promotips #marketing #authors
#Free Upcoming Workshop on MFRW "Create a signature" Details:is.gd/gnW24W #authors #promotips