Monday, August 6, 2012

New Author Advice: Joining Social Media

What's the Key?
This week, my friend Karen Cote' and I talked about what a new author should do to get started in social media. We feel there are several important places to start. Just who are we to give advice? I'm a multi-published author, founder of Marketing for Romance Writers and Romance Lives Forever (two active Yahoo groups with well over 1200 members each) and owner of nine blogs. Karen is the best selling author of Erotic Deception, creator of a unique talking website, a Twitter maven with over 5k followers, and the Promotions Director for Marketing for Romance Writers.

We recommend that before you jump in and start joining social media everywhere, you take time to read MFRW member Cassandra Carr's guides for Twitter (there are two). You can download them on our resources page.
Then, do the following things to begin your journey.
To me, the top thing to do is join Marketing for Romance Writers and stay actively involved. After that, start here:
1. Make a Facebook page, and start friending the members of MFRW Authors
2. Get a Twitter account and follow people who use these hashtags: #mywana #mfrworg #amreading That will make more sense after you read the Twitter guides.
3. Create an Amazon Author page
4. Blog at least three times a week. Use Networked Blogs to gain readers, plus, when you post a blog, it will automatically feed to Facebook, saving you time. You can pull your blog post automatically into Goodreads, and other sites as well.
5. Join Goodreads, post your books on your page, and link your blog.
6. Shelfari is a good spot.
7. Get social by joining WANA Tribe  (we are not alone - authors helping authors)

Marketing for Romance Writers
Above all, be open to learning new things. Take them one at a time, and don't try to do everything at once. Have a daily schedule. I start my day by checking email, then check my Facebook account, Twitter page, and jump over to my blog, and then stop by my other accounts. I repeat that round of visits during the day. Sometimes, depending on what else needs to be done, I'll do it again in the evening. We need time for writing, a social life, and family. Social media is important, but if you don't have a new book -- what good is it?

Remember, balance doesn't mean that everything is stable. It means you are always in motion, making the fine adjustments to keep your career and life on track.

When you decided to take the plunge and join a social media site, which one was it? Why that one? Would you recommend it to a newbie?



  1. This is a wonderful introductory for authors beginning the social-step. Great write-up and direction Kayelle. Love the resource page and I know we are working on other resources to make available to MFRW members. Thank you for your continued mentoring. I know how important it is to you for authors to learn how to position themselves in the market without sacrificing what is most important - time for their writing.

    1. Yes. Write first. Write last. Keep writing. ;) Not easy or everyone would do it!

  2. It is nice post about social media writer.If you decided to take the plunge and join a social media site,Join our community here

  3. Even I, who runs wild through social networks, have found so many more websites that are helpful.

    This is a great post full of information for the aspiring author all the way to the veteran author like me.


    1. Thanks Dawne. I look to you for advice so this is high praise.

    2. Most of my promo ideas and tips come from 'living and learning' but when doing brainstorm sessions like we did on the phone a few weeks ago... look where it got us. The 'publishers' calls' and the workshop discussions... we work soooo well together Kayelle.

  4. Thanks ladies. This has been a real eye-opener for me (literally and figuratively, since it was the first email I read this morning). I'm one of those authors who was overwhelmed by Facebook, so I haven't been using it to its full potential. I have used Goodreads and Shelfari, but once again, not to their full potential.

    Reading this post spurred me into action. Now, I'm on a mission to set up a Twitter account by the end of tomorrow. I like what you said about having a schedule. I think I tried to do everything ALL the time. I felt guilty if I wasn't constantly answering emails, blogging, or responding to FB chats. That really wore me out - I had a virtual meltdown!

    This time around, I'm going to pace myself. I'm still not ready for FB yet, but I'll keep you posted on my progress.

    1. Woot! A convert. ^_^ You go, Chanta! We'll be here to help.

  5. Chanta, if your book is in print, Goodreads giveaways are also a great tool to reach your readers without sacrificing precious time. What I loved most about your comment is the pressure you feel to respond to social communication. This can be an especially powerful trait and drive to keep your blog content updated and distributed. A blog keeps conversation about you in the cyber-sphere without back-and-forth stuff that eats up your day. Having said that, writing the next book takes precedence over all.

    1. Well said. The blog is a great tool. I owe mine some work...

  6. Keeping a schedule is really important. I have to write first or I never get to it. If I go online, I get sucked into the internet "vortex" and I never get out. So it's really important for me to set a schedule and stick to it.

    And by the way--when you join MFRW, don't forget the newsletter. It's a great way to showcase your books when they come out. ;-)

    1. That's an excellent point. The newsletter features new books for three months. Just part of our regular service for members. Can't beat that!

  7. This is an awesome post. Currently, I am a very quiet group member. I am writing my third was just released and another will be in November. This post really gave me some perspective on the plethora of social media opportunities, and dare I say expectations. I often wonder if my effort is being put toward foolishness or if the work I am doing is worthwhile.

    Thank you Kayelle for such a wonderful guide.

    All the Best,

    1. You're welcome. There are so many things to consider, places to go, and ideas to mull... it's hard to know where to start. I hope this helps direct you to the best places.
