That's a lot of work, even when one of our goals as writers is to be available to those who want to communicate. How can we easily provide our contact information without a constant shout out, or without typing it in every time we post.
Simple. Just sign off with everything you want people to know.
When we are in author mode, we need to be thinking about ways to let people get in touch with us. That's as opposed to writer mode, where we just want people to leave us alone so we can write. Even then, if we stick our head up out of our story to check our e-mail (yeah, shame on us but it happens!) we want to get the best return on our posts.
So, we want to let people know WHO we are, WHERE to find us, and HOW to get in touch. In my case, it would be [Monica Stoner w/a Mona Karel Discover the Enchantment in Romance] which also includes my tagline. When we use one e-mail for more than one purpose (for me, I'm Mona the Writer, Monica the AKC Delegate, and also the day to day Monica) we can develop a unique sign off for each identity.
How do I handle this? My e-mail server allows multiple signatures. For each one, I set up a signature line. Monica Henderson Stoner is Delegate to the Saluki Club of America; Mona's signature line is above. Monica has a cute snippet: We only have a little spark of madness, we must preserve it. ALL of these signatures have at least an e-mail if not also a website contact. The only thing I have to remember to do is change the "from" bar when I start a message.
Almost painless, yes? Guaranteed to make it easier for people to stay in touch, which is a very good thing.
You can go further, of course. You can list every book you've ever written, add their covers, include glowing reviews. You can make your signature line bigger than your message. And some people will happily read that information, at least the first time. If you're participating in an online discussion and no one is trimming their message, that display of information will be seen over and over and...which is one of the reasons you want to be trimming your messages!
Make it easy on readers and on yourself to stay in touch. Have a bright day!
Monica Stoner w/a Mona Karel Discover the Enchantment in Romance
MFRW Staff, Blog Hop Coordinator
I think my first story written was in sixth grade, something to show my penmanship for the county fair. Penmanship, me. Right. I wrote Beatles fan fiction, and horrible Gothic romances, then set aside writing for my other obsession, horses. I worked in horses and dogs (and restaurants) until my mid thirties when I discovered real jobs in materials management, and married Tom.
were married for 25 years, most of them spent in Los Angeles county. It had to
be true love for me to live there that long. New Mexico was our ultimate goal
and we had five wonderful years on the high plains. For all that time, I wrote.
Writing helped me deal with living around too many people, and then helped me
express the joy of the high plains, and deal with the shock of losing my best friend. I write
to share my dreams...and the beautiful New Mexico skies.
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