The Tweet Like a Pro class begins on Marketing for Romance Writers on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 6:30 pm Eastern. In the US that translates to...
Time Zone (start times)
7:30p Atlantic
6:30p Eastern
5:30p Central
4:30p Mountain
3:30p Pacific
We then move to Twitter for hands-on training. This is a single one-hour class. Don't miss it!
Want to know more about our coach? Meet Keith here: http://www.globalsocialmediacoaching.com/
and here: http://www.karencote.tv/keith-keller-global-social-media-coach
Join Keith on Facebook:
Like his company here:
and of course, follow him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/KeithKeller
Keith says, "You are already awesome. My job is to make you WORLD FAMOUS."
Use the hashtag #MFRW on Twitter now to share this free Marketing for Romance Writers workshop opportunity with others: Follow me and use this hashtag and I'll add you to the MFRW Twitter list I've added to Listorious http://bit.ly/q96Tg7 #marketing #authors #publishers #designers #editors
Use the hashtag #tweetlikeapro and become part of MFRW's brand new TweetLikeAPro Inner Circle Follow me and use this hashtag and I'll add you to the Tweetlikeapro Twitter list I've added to Listorious http://bit.ly/pWEDlb #marketing #authors #publishers
#mfrw and #tweetlikeapro hashtags registered at http://twubs.com
Sincere thanks to author Karen Cote', who graciously provided the fee for this one-time workshop, enabling MFRW members to attend for free. To thank her, please follow Karen on Twitter@KarensRomance
Thank you to Keith Keller, who will be offering a $197 value Twitter Intensive workshop to one attendee. Details on how to enter coming soon.
SAMPLE TWEETs you can send: (choose a new one each day)
#Twitter #Success 4 #Writers "TWEET LIKE A PRO" su.pr/3sVyrx@KayelleAllen @KarensRomance September 27th 6:30pm (Eastern)
#Twitter #Marketing 4 #Writers "Marketing 4 Romance Writers" twy.la/qOjcJA @KayelleAllen @KarensRomance Sept 27th 6:30pm (Eastern)
#Twitter #Success 4 #Writers "TWEET LIKE A PRO"su.pr/3sVyrx @KayelleAllen @KarensRomanceSeptember 27th 6:30pm (Eastern)
#Twitter 4 #Writers su.pr/9fzDhg @KayelleAllen @KarensRomance Sept 27th @ 6:30pm (Eastern) "Marketing 4 Romance Writers"
#TweetLikeaPro http://t.co/S8H9DBW 9/27/11 6:30pm (Eastern) "Marketing 4 Romance Writers"
If I can make this I'll certainly try, although it'll be late over here, so I might not make it.]
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new blog - looking good!
What a great idea. Will try to get there too!
ReplyDeleteThe blog looks great. Congratulations.
The new blog looks great.
ReplyDeleteOh, I like this. Looks great.
ReplyDeleteLookin' good.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait! I really need to learn how to use Twitter to make it count!