Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blog Challenges: What NOT to Blog About @kayelleallen #AtoZchallenge #MFRWauthor

What should you blog about? Anything you want. Whatever you're passionate about. All the topics that interest you. Is there anything you should not talk about? No. Not really. Then what do I mean by a title that says "what NOT to blog about"? It's not so much the "what" as it is the "how."

Talk about anything you please, but stop and consider why you're blogging before you start. For example, have you accepted a blog challenge? This is a writing exercise in which you blog on certain days or with specific themes. We've all seen these challenges: Thursday Thirteen, Manic Monday, and of course, blog hops where everyone follows a theme or uses a specific hashtag. I want to talk to you today about the #AtoZchallenge.

When you write your blog posts, remember the reasons for accepting a challenge.
1. To get in the habit of blogging
2. To bring readers to your blog
3. To show readers your writing skills
4. To hone your writing skills

Therefore, if you decide to blog, accept the challenge, and do it right. Don't bore your readers. You want them to think you are a good writer, not one who takes the easy way out and writes cookie cutter posts. What do I mean? Look at these #AtoZChallenge posts:
A is for Anxiety
B is for Books
C is for Cookies
The real show stopper? This one: "Day 2 is on the blog"

No, I am not kidding you. Those are actually on Twitter right now in the #AtoZChallenge. Do you not agree that these titles sound like grade school lessons? They reflect writers who take the easy road. Would you dash over to Amazon and buy a book by someone who does that?

Please don't make yourself look like a lazy writer with posts and titles like this. Be creative. Wouldn't you prefer to read these?

Show the world you are creative and interesting. Take the time to make your post and title worth the effort you will spend doing the project. I challenge you.
Kayelle Allen is a best selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr. Her latest book is Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas. She is currently involved in a personal blog challenge: #ChaosIsComing which is 30 Days of Chaos for the release of the book.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Writer's Block or Procrastination?@barbbradley

I am so sorry I haven't posted in a few months. As you know from an earlier blog I have been dealing with caring for my mother-in-law. I'm sad to tell you that she has passed away. The last two months were a whirlwind. Having to contact all the different people to make them aware, canceling the things I needed to. It's been crazy and I've had to make lists to keep it all straight.

With my mother-in-law gone I now supposedly have more time...

But I can't figure out what I seem to be doing with it.

I some of it is dealing with my grief and having to follow up on those phone calls to make sure I didn't miss anyone. Part of it is procrastination. I've been working on the same series since we moved in with my mother-in-law and even though I have one to finish and another one rattling around in my head I think I have this series linked to her.

I'm so grateful that I learned to write every night, whether I'm in the mood or not. It's going to help me work my way through all this. I'm going to put one word in front of the other until I'm writing the way I have in the past.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is it More About Writing, or About Being a Writer? #MFRWauthor

This will be a shorter than usual blog, since I'm borrowing from another blogger. Not to mention running late.
I ran across this blog from Screencraft, a site to advise screenwriters. The post resonated with me and I think will have the same effect on other writers Beware the Writing Zombies Check it out while I get more coffee.
Do you recognize anyone you know? All I had to do was look in a mirror, and also remember the time I spent researching to avoid actually writing. Whether it was to start a new book or continue on with a current project. And I would hate to admit how many times I've delayed starting so I could use the new project for a course.
Maybe I should title this 'Games Writers Play.' Or maybe I should just get back to edits?
Happy writing!

I need a photo here. I think I'll go with a New Mexico sunset, sharing the beauty of where I'm living.

Monica Stoner w/a Mona Karel
Mona's Amazon Page

We retired to the high plains of New Mexico, where I finally put all those seminars and critique sessions to work, not to mention pulled together my courage to offer a story I'd beaten into submission. I am honored to help Marketing for Romance Writers with list moderation, and wherever else my skill set is of value