Sunday, May 3, 2015

How Authors Use Twitter @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor #UsingTwitter

My Twitter "Cover" Banner  
Twitter is an excellent place to get news about the writing and publishing industries. The program is easy -- like most things -- once you understand what you're doing. Let's walk through the basics of how to use the site.
This tutorial assumes you have already created an account. If you haven't done that yet, stop and create one now.
Here's a principle to follow on every social media: use your author name. You should always be findable by the name on your book covers.

Tips for Names

You cannot use a space on Twitter. Put your first and last name together. If your name has been taken already, consider adding an underscore (first_lastname) or add one to the beginning or end (_firstlastname OR firstlastname_). You could also add author to the end (firstlastnameauthor OR firstlastname_author) depending on the length of your name. There is a limit to the number of characters.
Do not use the word author first (authorfirstlastname). Why not? Because when someone tries to mention you on Twitter, they will write your name with the @ symbol in front of it (which triggers Twitter to find and link your account). If your name is @authorfirstlastname and they type @firstlastname -- you will not come up in the search. What comes up if they write @author and then begin to look for your name is a list of all people (in alphabetical order) who used author as the first part of their handle. If your name begins with AA or numbers, you might be viewable easily. If not, good luck! It might be pages before they see your name, assuming they stick around that long. Remember: always be findable by your author name.

Log in and Try This

If you already have an account, log in, then click Notifications. You'll see anyone who mentioned you.
Within the rows or boxes that hold tweets, you'll see a star icon. Click that to favorite (like) the tweet. It shows the person who shared your post that you saw it. It's like a thank you.
To send it out to your own followers, click the two arrows (similar to a recycle symbol). A box pops up. There's a place to comment (you can say "Thanks for sharing" or whatever you might like). Then click the Retweet button.
To reply (if you don't want to retweet) click the single arrow. Write your message, and then click Tweet.
To follow, click the person's name. A box pops up about them. Click the Follow button.
To send a tweet to a person, or to mention them, type a short note, and then type the @ symbol. Begin typing their name immediately after the symbol (mine is @kayelleallen). If you are already following them, their name will show up as a possibility, and you can choose it to have it enter for you. When you reply or retweet, it will go to them without having to add their name. Try a few and see how you do. :)
If you like to read about a specific thing, use a hashtag (#) to search for it. For example, if you love Lord of the Rings, or the Hobbit -- use #LOTR or #Hobbit. In Twitter, go to the search bar (upper right) and type one of those. Hit return, or click the magnifying glass in the search bar. Tweets from anyone who used the term you searched for will show up. Try it with almost any word (no spaces) and you will see the possibilities. The popular searches for writers are many. Try these:
·                     #amwriting
·                     #amediting
·                     #writing
·                     #romance
·                     #suspense

There are whole books on Twitter, but this gives you the basics. Give Twitter a try. It's a lot of fun and you will have a new way to reach your readers and friends. Besides... it's also a great way to keep up with favorite TV shows, movies, music, sports, and anything else that interests you.

Kayelle Allen (who follows the #Thranduil and #Loki hashtags)
Author of the Tarthian Empire Companion, a World-Building Bible and Guide to Writing a Science Fiction Series
Amazon Smashwords
Website Blog
Twitter Facebook

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Writing Process: Meeting your Editor #mfrwauthor #mfrworg

Okay so we’re going to speed up the time clock. You’ve done your homework and you have all your media sites set up. You’re ready for that first sale. For this month’s blog we’re going to deal with a publisher, small or large there are some basic things that every author should know.

The craziest things can affect the purchase of your book. It’s a very subjective world. If the acquiring editor read a book just like yours in a previous manuscript and they didn’t like it they could read yours with that book in mind. They could have a significant other who is a lot like your hero or heroine. If they had a fight recently that could affect the purchase of your book. The last book this editor bought was a lot like yours and it didn’t do get the drift.

But today is your lucky day – you made it through all of that and they bought your book. Do the happy dance! Now comes the hard part. A total stranger is going to take your baby and edit it. They aren’t going to know how many times you edited it before you sent it in. Things you think are gems they might think need to be cut. That sentence that you agonized over for two days is reworded in an instant.\

Always remember this. They are not calling your baby ugly. They are trying to make your book the best it can be. As an author and an editor I know we’re too close to our own work. We’ve edited it to death and our eyes see things that aren’t there and don’t see the mistakes that are there. We all need fresh eyes to see our work.

Next month more on this editing process....


Barbara Donlon Bradley wears many hats. She’s a mother, wife, care-giver, author, and editor. She’s a senior editor for Melange Books, and writes for Phaze and Melange books/Satin Romances with over twenty titles under her belt.

Author Sites:

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Thunderclap Storm for Our ReTweet Day #MFRWauthor #MFRWorg

Marketing for Romance Writers monthly retweet day is 5/13.
This month we are sharing and supporting our thunderclap campaigns.
First, you need to create a Thunderclap campaign
  • Set the go live date for May 13, the date of our #MFRWauthor retweet day.
  • Also use #MFRWauthor in your Thunderclap message.

Second, add your url to the comment section of the blog. It normally takes three days for a thunderclap campaign to go live so don't delay.

Third, support the main campaign. Here is the campaign for MFRW
Fourth, support the other campaigns listed. Remember to check back often so you support everyone who is doing this.

Here's to creating an awesome storm on May 13,
Tina Gayle writes stories with strong women fiction elements. Visit her website and read the 1st chapter of any of her books.