Friday, March 6, 2015

#MFRWorg Author-to-Author: Writing Tips @RobinGlasser1 #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Robin Glasser shares some advice to improve your writing.

Besides being an author, I’m also an editor, which makes writing difficult because I’m constantly editing my work—one of the main reasons it takes me so long to write a book. A good exercise I learned from one of many writing groups is to keep paper and pen by your bed. As soon as you wake up, start scribbling. I've covered oodles of pages this way, some of which were real gems!

Read a lot.

Try to write something everyday. If you find yourself staring at a blank page and nothing's happening, promote your book on Twitter, Goodreads, LinkedIn, for examples.

Join a writing group for feedback and sympathy. If one’s not available, start your own in the library. I did and it was great fun plus I learned a lot too! Oh, and read what you've written aloud or have someone read your pages back to you. You’ll be amazed by what your ears pick up that your eyes might have missed!

I try extremely hard to avoid clichés and write lines that will stand out. Michael Chabon, another author I admire, always has some memorable phrases sprinkled throughout his books. One description that comes to mind (paraphrasing): “his face was like a sagging front porch…” I mean, how visual is that!

Recovering copywriter, Robin Glasser has written for a variety of magazines ranging from Readers' Digest to Penthouse Letters, where she wrote a column called "The Red Hot Woman." Her poetry has been published in Upstairs at Duroc and The Riverside Poetry Review. Ms. Glasser's novel, MY LIFE AS A CONCUBINE, is based on her experiences in Paris or as she likes to call it, The City of Merde, and has been re-released from Smashwords and is available in paperback and as an ebook. Robin guarantees MEN AT WORK, her fully-illustrated book of poetry, will put twinkles in your eyes and sparkles in your pants. Don't forget to watch her fast-paced peepshows based on these tongue & cheeky poems at You can get a copy from Her latest novel, THE BRAIN EXCHANGE, is available at Smashwords, Amazon, and virtual bookstores near you. She now reads at various venues in New York. 

The Brain Exchange

Erotic SciFi Suspense
Abandon your beliefs and let your reality run wild. Imagine being fully aware inside a body of the opposite gender. Now imagine the best sex you ever had. Would this just be different? Or better? Or the best ever?

CONNECT with Robin

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MFRW Should Stand for Marketing for Rockin' Writers #MFRWorg #MFRWauthor

What does MFRW mean? The letters stand for Marketing for Romance Writers, but so many of us are now writers of every type, perhaps we should remarket ourselves as Marketing for Rockin' Writers. We are a peer-oriented mentoring group open to the entire literary community. Ask your marketing-related questions, or request help, advice, or opinions. You can learn how to create a professional image and use it effectively, as well as ask for opportunities to join other authors in promotional efforts. You can learn the business aspects of writing on our site. The best part? Hearing from people who've been helped by what we do.

Here's an email I received today. (One of our rules is to use the Yahoo group for business oriented questions, and never to self promote.) The letter is from Kath Boyd Marsh, a new writer of children's books (MG = Middle Grades).

I don't want to violate the self promo rules, so I'm writing this off the list serve. But I really need to thank MFRW. Almost three years ago I was ready to quit. Then my critique partner, Ally Shields, told me about you, and I took a weekend workshop. I didn't give up. The next thing I knew I found the courage to submit to a publishing house's contest. And that December I found out I had made the semi finals in two categories in CBAY's writing contest. While I did not win, the publisher continued to work with me on the MG ms. How great was that?

December of 2013 I got the nerve to send her an additional ms. And she liked it! She worked with me on revisions all last year, and then last month offered me a contract to publish my very first book!!! My MG fantasy is scheduled to release in April of 2016!! I'm an author!!! (says so on the contract!)

And I know it goes back to finding this group of sharing and wise authors!! Even if I don't write in your genre, there is no better place to feel the hope.

Of course now I'm going to pay even closer attention to Marketing! Get my own website, newsletter, tweet, … Isn't that great?
Tarthian Empire

Kath Boyd Marsh
And that, folks, is why Marketing for Romance Writers is here. Join us!

About the Author
Kayelle Allen is the founder of MFRW. She is also a best-selling, multi-published, award-winning author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr. Her upcoming book, due out March 16th is Tarthian Empire Companion, an illustrated World-Building Bible and Guide to Writing a Science Fiction Series.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

#MFRWorg BLOGSforWRITERS @Write_Practice

Authors don't have endless hours to read every blog out there on the world wide web. Still, there are some blogs out there that are not to be missed. In our BLOGSforWRITERS feature, MFRWorg highlights blogs definitely worth your time.

The Write Practice is a blog that promotes the daily practice of writing. Their posts are always helpful and sometimes quirky. With so many other writers commenting, there's a community feel as writers learn from one another. CLICK HERE to visit the blog.