Sunday, February 2, 2014

EPICon Teaches The Art of Discoverability @EPICorg

Amazon bestselling author Elle Lothlorien leads three presentations at this year's EPICon... she explains how understanding algorithms is critical in developing a discoverability plan for your book (or finding a date), responding to reviews and offering free books.

Dating Your Book: Understanding the Amazon Algorithm Through Online Dating
Ever done online dating? Scrolled through dozens of photos, skimmed the profiles, waiting for that tingle of interest? I've got news for you: the same algorithm that helps you find an online date also matches a reader to a book. Learn how “click-throughs” and reviews affect your book’s ranking, how “designing for the thumbnail” can drive click-throughs to your product page, and how an excellent book description can lead to that critical “first date.”

When You Wish Upon a (Review) Star…
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything, right? Good advice, but when it comes to websites where your book is available for purchase (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc.), responding to negative reader reviews encourages repeat readers and is, quite simply, excellent customer service.

Elle Lothlorien, whose 2012 Digital Book World blog on this subject released a firestorm of controversy (the blog was named one of the “Top 10 Digital Publishing Stories of 2012”), will explain why keeping your cool and following “Dos and Don’ts” when engaging unhappy readers will only help your career. Case studies discussed.
To Free or Not to Free? That is the (Discoverability) Question…
Can a free book promotion help your novel rise above the 'white noise' of over 10k new ebooks being published daily? According to Amazon self-published author Elle Lothlorien, who took early, full advantage of Amazon's KDP Select and its free promo days to “force” her second novel, Sleeping Beauty onto the Amazon bestseller list in February 2012, the answer is yes, yes, and yes!

Let Elle guide you through the complex algorithms that determine how to make giveaways work for you. If time permits, Elle will touch on other social media strategies that can help coax your e-book into the public eye--and keep it there.

EPIC, the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition™ ( was established in 1998 and is a global organization of published authors and industry-related professionals who actively advocate continuing education and further enlightenment of electronic publications.

EPIC’s annual conference, EPICon™, invites industry professionals to share the latest eIndustry information, hone writing and editing skills, and explore new markets and promotional ideas. Keynote luncheon speakers range from world-renowned authors to established publishing houses to eBook and print agents. For more information, please visit
Register today at!
ElleLothlorien’s first self-published romantic comedy The Frog Prince became an Amazon bestseller in December 2010—a distinction it kept through the summer of 2012 when it peaked at #2 on Amazon's Top 100 List for Humor. On Valentine’s Day 2012 her second novel, Sleeping Beauty, catapulted to Amazon’s Top 100 List for Romantic Suspense. In March of 2012, she published an alternate ending version of her rom-com Sleeping Beauty in response to fan feedback. In December 2012, both versions were named to Kindles & Wine “Best Reads of 2012.” In October of 2012, she wrote Alice in Wonderland in 35 days and e-published it seven days later.
Elle’s appearance on Digital Book World’s (DBW) “Successful Self-Published Authors” panel in January Publisher’s Weekly. In February 2012, she was named to Expert Messaging Group’s “25 Self-Published Authors to Watch." She is considered a “reluctant expert” on the topic of self-publishing and is well-known for taking advantage of her full creative control by pushing the envelope—and advising other self-published authors to do the same.
2012 was noted in
Elle has contributed to articles on self-publishing for both TIME Magazine and Writers Digest. She’s been interviewed for’s “Happy Ever After” with Joyce Lamb, with Mercy Pilkington, and Your Book Is Your Hook with Jennifer Wilkov.
In April 2012, Elle was invited to be a regular contributor to DBWs Expert Publishing Blog, an industry blog with 20,000 subscribers. She almost immediately created a firestorm of controversy by blogging that authors should respond to negative reader reviews—a blog that was later named one of the “Top 10 Digital Publishing Stories of 2012” for its “importance.” She was one of 93 authors—including over 50 New York Times bestsellers—invited to blog for “National Read-a-Romance Month” in August 2013.

In January, 2014, Elle and co-host Isobel Irons launched a self-publishing consulting company, The Book Escorts as well as “The S&M (Self-Publishing and Marketing) Podcast with Maven and Minx” on the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network. In 2014, this dynamic duo will be presenting workshops on self-publishing at conferences such as EPICon, RWA Chicago’s Spring Fling, Romantic Times and RomCon. Isobel and Elle will also be attending Thrillerfest in July 2014 in a press capacity, interviewing authors and covering the conference workshops and festivities. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Authors CAN DO Book Promotion #MFRWorg

Okay so now you’ve sold the book – what do you do? The days of the publisher promoting your book is long gone. From the brand new to the seasoned author, self published to large press you have to do most, if not all the leg work.

Trying to figure out where to start is the hard part. We all want the cover of Romantic Times, but my budget laughed so hard tears came to its’ eyes. I need to find a cheaper way. Much cheaper. Like free.

So I started small. How do you get your name out there anyway? Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, hit all the social medias you know about and create a presence. Now I’ll admit I haven’t tried all of them. I don’t have the time. Some days I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get it all done, but I keep my ear to the ground and listen when someone else is working with an new one. If is sounds like something I should get into I do.

Create a blog. I fought this one because I didn’t feel I had time to write, but I realized I have a lot of knowledge about writing so put one together, I try to post once a week. You can check it out at

Do guest spots on someone else’s blog. I find this fun to do, although sometimes I have to rack my brain to come up with a subject I haven’t done before. Most ask for a writing related post, but some have interview questions, or just let you send a blurb, excerpt and cover image.

Chat’s are good. I’ve done a few of them. Of course when I do them you can hear the crickets chirping in the back row but I always do them armed and ready. I create my own questions so there is constantly something coming across. I don’t just promo my books – and with 13 titles I can fill several hours of nothing but promo. I try to give a little insight to me and my writing process.

Join groups. I stick to Yahoo, but I have become part of some really great ones. MFRW is one. There is so much knowledge out there and many of the authors are more than happy to share.

Do you have access to print copies of your book? Then do book signings. Go to your local book sellers and set up a signing. Try to have more than one author to sign with you if you can. The more authors the more it will help bring the readers in.

Over the next few blogs I will go into more detail about what I have learned to promote myself on a shoestring. I’ll go into what worked for me and what didn’t work For now, I hope this will help you get started.

See you next month!
Writing for Barbara Donlon Bradley started innocently enough, like most she kept diaries, journals, and wrote an occasional letter but she also had a vivid imagination and wrote scenes and short stories adding characters to her favorite shows and comic books. As time went on she found the passion for writing to be a strong drive for her. Humor is also very strong in her life. No matter how hard she tries to write something deep and dark, it will never happen. That humor bleeds into her writing. Since she can’t beat it she has learned to use it to her advantage. Now she lives in Tidewater Virginia with two cats, one mother in law, her husband and teenage son.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Importance of Writing Breaks #MFRWorg

As writers we often get so wrapped up in each aspect from getting the novel or short story written out, to each revision, to marketing and publishing the completed work. I know for myself it's hard to stop mid scene when the juices are flowing like a river.

But, it's important to remember to nourish our bodies between writing. So, take frequent breaks to stretch your legs with a brisk walk, or get some water, or a sandwich and a salad. Don't overwork yourself to the point where you forget the basics like drinking enough water, eating regular meals, and daily exercise.

If you're like me, you can get so wrapped up in creating characters and worlds and circumstances, that you have to remind yourself with a little sticky note to get up and walk, or go eat. Also, don't neglect your relationships be it with your children, your spouse, or family and friends.

The writing isn't going anywhere. I promise it'll be waiting for you when you return. Frequent breaks while writing can be a useful tool. First your brain gets room to breath and your imagination gets to contemplate what to do next. I've hit some golden ideas during these breaks. And like most writers I've asked, I'll quickly jot down notes of the idea and restart my break.

Before my breaks and even at the end of the day, I jot down a quick note in bold red on my current MS about where I want to go next. Even for a quick moment when I'm pulled away, either for the kids or something, I'll scribble a super quick note of where I want to go next, so I don't lose the thought.

Now, if a kid is bleeding or something, I'll immediately switch to mama-mode and take care of the wound or whatever the emergency is. But, most times when I'm writing I have an aura of "do not enter or approach unless it's an emergency." It's automatic for me and my family has finally learned to respect that.

Readers sound off: What tricks do you use to keep from losing your train of thought for the next move in your stories? How often do you take breaks while writing? Do you remember to eat and stay hydrated? Do your health and relationships suffer because you got to wrapped up in the moment?

Life will always knock you down. Learn to roll with the punches and get back up. Then go again.
Catrina Barton is a real go-getter, who in 2006 turned her avid reading addiction since three, into a vigorous passion for writing. Especially New Adult Romances. Drawing on her knowledge as a Kung-Fu Instructor she makes her fight scenes both realistic and action packed.
When not indulging her fertile imagination to craft stories for your reading pleasures she enjoys hiking with her family and amateur belly dancing. 
Proud member of many writing and marketing groups. An active participant at Critique Circle and several other crit groups. Her love of writing and her family rival her exhilaration from helping fellow writers. That's why she created her blog: Kitty's Inner Thoughts.
Fave Personal Quote:
"An author cannot grow without both constructive criticism and encouragement."

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