Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#MFRWauthor 52-Week #Blog Challenge: Week 3 Writing Prompt... Have you signed up?

It's WEEK 3 of the MFRW 52-week blog challenge.
Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being fiction writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. Our challenge is designed to help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose.

This week's prompt is TV Shows I Binge.


Are You Ready?
  1. Use the weekly writing prompt to create your post. Include this challenge badge in your post.
  2. Use #MFRWauthor in your title, and be original - don't use "week #1 of 52-week challenge" because that's not unique and won't drive readers to your post. Be creative!
  3. Add your post's direct link to the linky list below. Be sure to use the post's direct link - not your blog home page.
  4. Include the linky list code to the top of your post.
  5. On Friday, read a few of the other authors' blog posts. Reading other posts gives you great ideas and inspiration. Also take a moment to share them on social media through the links right on the author's post. It increases visibility!
Do You Have a Buddy Yet?
If you haven't already been assigned a buddy, comment below and we can match you up.
VERY IMPORTANT: check in with your buddy... encourage them to post, read their blog post (even if you don't get to any others), and share it on social media.

Sign Up Now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Join Us! It's Week 2! #MFRWauthor 52-Week Blog Challenge

It's WEEK 2 of the MFRW 52-week blog challenge.
Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being fiction writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. Our challenge is designed to help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose.


It's not too late to join the challenge! FOLLOW THIS LINK to read the original
challenge post to get details.

Are You Ready?
  1. Use the weekly writing prompt to create your post. Include the challenge badge in your post.
  2. Use #MFRWauthor in your title, and be original - don't use "week #1 of 52-week challenge" because that's not unique and won't drive readers to your post. Be creative!
  3. Add your post's direct link to the linky list below. Be sure to use the post's direct link - not your blog home page.
  4. Include the linky list code to the top of your post.
  5. On Friday, read a few of the other authors' blog posts. Reading other posts gives you great ideas and inspiration!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Celebrate the New Year with #MFRWauthor and #MFRW_Org Retweet Day

Retweet Day for #MFRWauthor - Join the fun

For this month's Retweet Day on Twitter, we'd like to invite all Marketing for Romance Writers to set up tweets for their books.

Go into Twitter and create a tweet . Make sure to use #MFRWauthor or MFRW_Org

Once the tweet has been posted. Click on the ... (three dots) in the right hand corner.

This will give you the option to (copy link to tweet). Copy this link and put it in the comment section of this post.
Remember to visit the blog on second Wednesday of the month and retweet everyone on the list.

Also in an effort to help people find tweets to share of yours, click the ...(three dots) again and pin your tweet to your profile page. This will give you a count of how many people retweeted your post.

Don't forget the Rules

1. Have #MFRWauthor or #MFRWorg in the tweet. (This retweet day is to promote each other and our group.)

2. Do not use profanity or sexual explicit graphics. Keep it clean for all age groups.

3. Return on Retweet Day and click each link and share everyone's post on twitter.

4. Click the G+ symbol on the tweet so you can see where you left off, and to add a little more visibility to the post.

5. No more than 3 hashtags in a post. Anymore than this and Twitter believes it is spam.

Here's to a great day of retweets,

Tina Gayle
free read

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

#MFRWauthor Blog Challenge Week1 Theme: A Few of my Favorite Things

It's WEEK ONE of the MFRW 52-week blog challenge.
Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being fiction writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. Our challenge is designed to help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose.

This week's prompt is A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.

All authors with blogs can participate. It's very simple! FOLLOW THIS LINK to read the original challenge post to get details.

Are You Ready?
  1. Use the weekly writing prompt to create your post. Include the challenge badge in your post.
  2. Use #MFRWauthor in your title, and be original - don't use "week #1 of 52-week challenge" because that's not unique and won't drive readers to your post. Be creative!
  3. Add your post's direct link to the linky list below. Be sure to use the post's direct link - not your blog home page.
  4. Include the linky list code to the top of your post.
  5. On Friday, read a few of the other authors' blog posts. Reading other posts gives you great ideas and inspiration!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Why We Read (and Write) Romance @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor #amwriting

Writing is not simply an act. It's a passion. For writers of Romance, it's even more than that. Romance an escapist story and a momentary thrill - yes. But it's also structure for plot and character development, theme, setting, and social commentary.

Here's my personal list of reasons to read (and write) Romance.
  • Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, and watching someone fall in love is the next best thing.
  • Seeing a hero and heroine overcome conflict and end up together at the end of a story makes me feel good.
  • The world is full of sad stories and disappointments, but the happy ending of a Romance book is something I can count on.
  • There is a subgenre within Romance for any kind of book I want to read, from Science Fiction to historical, paranormal to suspense, and everything in between.
  • I like reading about wounded alpha heroes whose heroines help them get back on the horse and get going again.
  • Tough and sassy heroines who kick ass and take names make my day, and my favorite Romances always feature them.
  • What could be finer than a Romance set in the Highlands of Scotland?
  • I grew up reading Science Fiction, and never understood why the book stopped just when the story got to the sexy part -- SciFi Romance is one of my favorite genres.
  • Romances are often part of a bigger story -- battling a monster, saving the world, defeating prejudice, healing a family -- and they make the bigger picture worth more because they showcase true love.
  • A romantic heroine who realizes her own worth, power, and strength, and who finds herself working side by side with a man she trusts are priceless.
  • One of the most intriguing subgenres of Romance is called M/M, or male male, and features two heroes. I think if a little testosterone is good, a lot must be awesome.
  • Is there anything sexier than a vampire who falls in love, and must overcome his clawing, innate hungers in order to woo the mortal he loves?
  • The heat level of a Romance can be whatever I want it to be, because within all those varying subgenres is a level of sensuality that is right for me. They can be as sweet -- or as hot -- as I want to read. 

Why do you read and/or write Romance? Please share in the comments.

About the Author
Kayelle Allen is a best-selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr. She is the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers.
Homeworld/Blog https://kayelleallen.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/kayelleallen
Facebook https://facebook.com/kayelleallen.author