When I
started the January issue of the MFRW Newsletter, I reflected on how far we’ve
come since we began back in November of 2008.
There weren’t very many of us in MFRW back then and the Newsletter was
about ten pages long each month. Now
we’re up to sixty-plus pages some months, and in January we had a New York
Times and USA Today best-selling author on our cover. Who ever would have thought we’d be helping a
best-selling author to promote her books?
I now have
a staff of three assistant editors without whom I couldn’t possibly get this
baby out the door. Each month in this
column, I’ll highlight one of us so you can get to know us better.
So: How do you put together a successful
Newsletter? First, decide how often
you’re going to issue it. Once a week?
Month? Quarter? I wouldn’t go any
farther out than quarterly. You want to
keep your audience engaged. I think
monthly works, unless you have help. After all—you want your newsletter to be
attractive, fun, and informative, but you also need time to write and keep up
with your other promotional activities.
what information do you want to disseminate in your newsletter? Of course you want to announce new releases
and maybe keep your readers apprised of how you’re doing on your works in
progress. Do you want to have guest
authors? How much space do you want to
give them? Do you want to post a bio?
Interview? Tag Line? Blurb? Excerpt? What about cover art and photos? Don’t forget—the same copyright rules apply
to photos you use in your newsletter as on your blog. How do you assemble this material? We’ll cover that in upcoming months.

here’s a bit about me:
Weber is a Navy veteran and holds a BA in Communications from Columbia College
in Chicago with an emphasis on creative writing. “Would you like fries with that?” Her non-fiction article, “Bulimia,” was
featured in Hair Trigger 9 & 10, the acclaimed Columbia College student
anthology. Her first novel, Rock Bound, is available at CreateSpace,
Smashwords, Amazon and BN.com. The
digital version of her second novel, Rock
Crazy is available at MuseItUp Publishing, Inc., and the print version’s
available at CreateSpace and Amazon. She
edits the Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter, and for Jupiter Gardens
Press. Rochelle lives in Round Lake
Beach, Illinois.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RochelleWeber
Author’s Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002HVPRVM
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