Friday, August 17, 2012


Marketing for Romance Writers.Org is excited to announce our annual “Write-place, Write-time” Submissions event scheduled for September 8th and 9th, 2012.

We have an amazing panel of Publishers and Editors ready to give YOU, aspiring authors or seasoned authors, an opportunity to “pitch your dreams” to a listening audience.

BUT…that ever tricky timing can be a slippery little rascal. So, for you - MFRW is providing a platform of:

“Write-place, Write-time”

Let's say you are on an elevator when...

...the publisher/editor of your dreams steps through the door. Your heart is pumping, your hands are clammy and you know you have a limited amount of time to tell this person about the next New York Times Best Seller for which you have just assigned those coveted words "the end".

MFRW brings you that elevator moment.


We publish all genres of romance, including all heat levels, orientations, and pairings. However, right now we are especially interested in the following:

-Historical romance (all heat levels)

-M/M romance (all heat levels)

-Fantasy and/or Science Fiction Romance (all heat levels)

-Erotic romance (all genres)

CLICK HERE!! For more information and detail to submit your manuscript to this publisher click here for further instruction on this event.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

7th SPOTLIGHT - Pitch Your Dreams to PRISM BOOK GROUP

Marketing for Romance Writers.Org is excited to announce our annual “Write-place, Write-time” Submissions event scheduled for September 8th and 9th, 2012.

We have an amazing panel of Publishers and Editors ready to give YOU, aspiring authors or seasoned authors, an opportunity to “pitch your dreams” to a listening audience.

BUT…that ever tricky timing can be a slippery little rascal. So, for you - MFRW is providing a platform of:

“Write-place, Write-time”

Let's say you are on an elevator when...

...the publisher/editor of your dreams steps through the door. Your heart is pumping, your hands are clammy and you know you have a limited amount of time to tell this person about the next New York Times Best Seller for which you have just assigned those coveted words "the end".

MFRW brings you that elevator moment.


Prism Book Group originally opened in 2011 as Inspired Romance Novels. After a great first year in publishing, Inspired grew and expanded into Prism Book Group. We will continue publishing inspirational romances under the imprint Inspired, and are now also accepting sweet/mainstream romance for our Diamond line.

While open to any romance genre (maximum 1-2 heat level), Joan Alley would love to see historical submissions, whether they be regency, western, or medieval. She also enjoys reading all inspirational romance and would also love to receive a great Amish romance.

CLICK HERE!! For more information and detail to submit your manuscript to this publisher click here for further instruction on this event.

6th SPOTLIGHT - Pitch Your Dreams to PRIZM BOOKS

Marketing for Romance Writers.Org is excited to announce our annual “Write-place, Write-time” Submissions event scheduled for September 8th and 9th, 2012.

We have an amazing panel of Publishers and Editors ready to give YOU, aspiring authors or seasoned authors, an opportunity to “pitch your dreams” to a listening audience.

BUT…that ever tricky timing can be a slippery little rascal. So, for you - MFRW is providing a platform of:

“Write-place, Write-time”

Let's say you are on an elevator when...

...the publisher/editor of your dreams steps through the door. Your heart is pumping, your hands are clammy and you know you have a limited amount of time to tell this person about the next New York Times Best Seller for which you have just assigned those coveted words "the end".

MFRW brings you that elevator moment.


Prizm Books is open to submissions in all categories.

We publish all genres paranormal, contemporary, western, suspense, etc.. We do require a happy ending, whether that ending is happily ever after or happy for now.  We offer our readers basic YA books as well as Edgy YA books.

We publish lengths from 3000 words and up. Our pricing structure is based solely on word count.

All submissions to Prizm Books must adhere to the following guidelines or they will be discarded unread.

All submissions must specify if they are mainstream or LGBT characters as well as the genre. Acceptance preference will be given to stories with fully realized characters and highly developed story lines.

All manuscripts must be submitted to as an attachment in either .doc, .txt, or .rtf format.

Length standards:

Novel - 45,000 words and up (ebooks & print)

Novella - 20-45,000 words (ebook only)

Novelette - 10-20,000 words (ebook only)

Short Stories - Under 10,000 words (ebook only)

All submissions must:

- be spell checked and edited for grammar.

- be single spaced with a space in between paragraphs. Indents at the beginning of paragraphs are not necessary. Any submissions with severe formatting problems (ie: blocks of text with no paragraph breaks, illegible fonts) will not be read.

- labeled in subject line of email as a submission, and include if mainstream or LGBT and the genre include a word count and a brief synopsis of the work.

- all spelling should be in American English

-include a short bio of the author along with the author's contact information. Authors may use a pseudonym for their work, but we will need full legal names and contact information for contracts. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence.

We will not accept stories with pedophilia; incest or those containing rape for titillation or other gratuitous violence. We will not accept stories with bestiality (relationships with animals occurring in natural life not including shapeshifters). We will also reject stories that are clearly a copyright infringement, including any that have been converted from fan fiction or that are based on TV shows, movies, or literary characters. We do accept simultaneous submissions, however we require you to update us if there is any interest in your submission from another publisher or if it is accepted elsewhere. We do accept multiple submissions.

Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted at any time. Please remember, however, that current projects take precedence, and while we will acknowledge all submissions in a timely manner, it may take some time for one of our editors to review your work. Please allow 3-8 weeks for a response. All accepted works will need to be provided to us as an electronic file, and please note we are now using electronic contracts.

CLICK HERE!! For more information and detail to submit your manuscript to this publisher click here for further instruction on this event.