Thursday, February 23, 2012

MFRW Announces New Promotions Director Karen Cote'

Karen Cote's Avatar 
Our marketing group has grown steadily over the past few years. 2012 is our sixth year. We began with twelve people and currently have over a thousand members. We have had a full-fledged professional newsletter for several years, and the group holds workshops and offers advice. We are adding our first conference this year, staffed by members. It's time to move to the next level and find more ways to help the publishing community of which we are a part. To that end, I have asked Karen Cote' to serve as our Promotions Director.
In some ways, Karen has already been doing this. She obtained promotion for us in magazines (The Book Breeze), an ezine (PRP Advertising Group), and with Lynn Crain, is organizing a contest idea she had to benefit our blogs (and its authors). She is an example of "caring in action."
Karen will be our ambassador, inviting new members, sharing information about MFRW with sites that can offer promotion, and hopefully opening doors to new opportunities to share our work as a group. She and I have discussed possibilities for the future, and ways in which MFRW can become a stronger resource, achieve value, and continue to be a "go to place" for authors needing helpful information.
Karen will also coordinate the promotional efforts for the upcoming Marketing Summer Camp. You'll hear more about that in the coming days and weeks.
Please join me in congratulating Karen on this new position. 
The staff of Marketing for Romance Writers also includes:
Group Owners: Marty Rayne, Jeanne Barrack
Newsletter Editor: Rochelle Weber
Proofers: Lavada Dee, Laurie Ryan
Blog Staff: Donna Basinow, Lynn Crain, W. Lynn Chantale, Chris Redding, Jean Drew

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Posted by Kayelle Allen

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Author Tip: Fonts and Curly Quotes

Author Tip 
A tip on fonts and special characters etc. When posting online, some sites strip curly quotes - the kind that in front curl one way and in the back curl the other and replace it with the code for that command. Sometimes it puts 3-4 other things in its place.

Which means this: "He loves her; it's obvious."
Becomes this: “He loves her. It’s obvious. ”

A font that readers don't possess can cause the same thing. For example, something frilly and fancy like a handwritten-looking font changes to courier with the codes above.

When posting, use Calibri, Arial, Times, or Times New Roman, and turn off the curly quotes feature on your word processor. Your readers will thank you.
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About the Author
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find...well, the unfindable. And sometimes (shh!) make them disappear again. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion. You can find her on the web in these places:

Monday, February 13, 2012

MFRW is on Facebook

MFRW on Facebook is a sister group to Marketing for Romance Writers on Yahoo. It enables us to post promotional info, get and give help on questions, and support one another. This group is open to authors (published and non), agents, editors, author promo services, publishers, cover designers, artists, and virtual assistants.

Join us on Facebook, and you can use the Facebook page as a target for Networked Blogs, post promotional info, and share updates about your writing.  We look forward to seeing you!


Also join our other blog: MFRW Authors - Marketing for Romance Writers