First I want to apologize for not posting last month.
Something came up that got in the way of my post but I’m back and ready to talk
about that cover letter.
* This image is from my pinterest account
To me the cover letter is harder to do than the synopsis.
How do you sell yourself on one sheet of paper? Even if you are cold submitting
via an e-mail you still need to keep it short and sweet. Your letter should be
an intro paragraph, your book blurb, your accolades and a closing
paragraph/sentence telling them you can’t wait to hear from them.
I was also told if I met an editor at a conference and we
hit on something personal like she/he likes cats, or she/he grew up where I
did, that I should put that in the intro paragraph so the editor would remember
me. The biggest thing that was drilled into my head was to send that submission
as quickly as possible after the editor requests it.
All the advice was great but it didn’t help me when it came
time to write one. I didn’t even know how to start one.
Dear editor – if you have their name use it
Intro paragraph – I would mention that I am multi-published
and who I’m published with. I would also mention that I write lighthearted
erotic romances and my writing style resembles authors like Johanna Lindsey.
The second paragraph – I’d then add my blurb
The third paragraph – I’d mention the contests my books have
finaled in, I’d also mention any special review I might have had – something
that was a little more than a five star review although if you have 5 star
reviews you can mention those as well. I would also mention I was a member of
RWA and the positions I held I would also mention MFRW and any volunteer
position I have. In my case I would also mention I work with a publisher.
Last paragraph would be the thank you for your time...
This is very basic and if anyone has something they do that
works for them please post it. The more we know the better those letters are.
Barbara Donlon Bradley wears many hats. She’s a mother,
wife, care-giver, author, and editor. She’s a senior editor for Melange Books,
and writes for Phaze and Melange books/Satin Romances with over twenty titles
under her belt.